#30dayswild Saltfleetby and Theddlethorpe Dunes Nature Reserve

We are not very good at identifying wildlife - birds, butterflies, wildflowers are all pretty much a mystery to us. We don't let it put us off though and we are getting better at it and it doesn't stop us from appreciating the pretty and peaceful nature reserves. This time it is the turn of Theddlethorpe dunes nature reserve on the east coast in Lincolnshire.

Sunny Sutton on Sea

We managed a few days away to Sutton on Sea, a small seaside town on the Lincolnshire coast, for the half term holiday. It's our familiar and favourite place to go to for a relaxing holiday. Along the promenade, I just had to show a photo of my favourite beach hut. The front is amusing, but the back really shows the skill of the painter.

In between walks (and runs's -see C25K blog posts) by the sea and visits to the pub and the cinema I have been beavering away with some crochet - all will be revealed when I get around to finishing it all. I'm good at starting new things and a lot slower at finishing and taking photo's of  them! 

We went to the Saltfleetby and Theddlethorpe nature reserve at Rimac a few times. We are not really very good at identifying birds and butterflies but have a go and it is so beautiful down there on the salt marsh, especially as it was mostly sunny and not too windy. We heard a cuckoo and saw a sparrowhawk hunting quite spectacularly close to us. It was also really quiet being off the beaten track.